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HI-PERFORMANCE PD� PLUS HI-PERFORMANCE PDTM PLUS APPLICATIONS Nearly every conceivable industrial drive application where precise shaft synchronization is required. HPPD Plus belts can also be used as an alternative to problem V-belt and chain drives. Part No: 800 8M 50 � Aggregate Machinery � Office Equipment 800 800 mm Pitch Length � Paper Industry Machinery � Machine Tools 8M 8 mm Pitch, Round Tooth Profile � Printing Trade Machinery � Home Appliances 50 50 mm Wide � Food Processing Equipment � HVAC Units � Packaging Machinery � Textile Machinery � Mining Equipment � Farm Machinery A STRAIGHT TOOTH SYNCHRONOUS � Woodworking Machinery � Vending Machines BELT WITH PERFORMANCEADVANTAGES Hi-Performance PdTM Plus synchronous belts provide a reliable, KEY FEATURES & BENEFITS � Universal tooth profile drops into existing HTD economical, and trouble-free alternative to transmit power and sprockets. reduce drive weight and cost when compared to chain drives � Quieter operation. and other types of belt drives. Lubrication and tensioning � High-grade WingpreneTM compound. devices are eliminated, thus creating a cleaner, maintenance- � Higher Horsepower "Plus" construction in free synchronous drive. 5M, 8M, and 14M pitches. The belts were designed not only to improve upon the chain � Fiberglass tension cords for excellent resistance drive but to improve existing synchronous belt drives. Due to to shrinkage/elongation. a unique parabolic tooth profile, Hi-Performance Pd Plus belts � Oil, heat, ozone, and abrasion resistant. deliver the power required of a high capacity drive, yet reduce � Low-maintenance/high-efficiency rating. the irritating noise level up to 3 db over other premium syn- chronous drives. In addition, they fit virtually every existing high torque, synchronous application, providing advanced reli- sprocket, belt performance is improved along with assuring ability and performance on existing belt drives without the longer belt life. need to change sprocket hardware. The tension-carrying member in HPPD Plus belts is twisted They are available in a full range of pitch sizes including 5, 8, 14, from multiple strands of fiberglass cord, high in tensile and 20 mm pitch belts. Goodyear provides the "universal fit" by strength, flex life and resistance to elongation. This results in making available a belt that will fulfill existing drive require- excellent dimensional stability which prevents belt shrinkage ments matching existing industry part numbers one for one. or stretch under load. Take-up allowances are greatly reduced or eliminated, promoting a more maintenance-free drive. WIDE RANGE OF LOAD CAPABILITIES All HPPD Plus belts are made with Goodyear's Wingprene Hi-Performance Pd Plus belts are designed for high capacity polymer which is specially compounded to resist damaging performance exceeding the traditional limitations of chain and environmental factors that can shorten belt life. belt drives. The load capacity of HPPD Plus belts range from HPPD Plus utilizes a stretch nylon facing specially developed fractional power ratings to more than 600 horsepower, extend- by Goodyear. It reduces friction, minimizing wear on both ing the drive possibilities. They deliver superior performance by belts and pulleys while contributing to smooth, precise opera- transmitting the power of low-speed, high-torque drives charac- SYNCHRONOUS tion, all contributing to extended belt life. teristic in heavy industrial machinery. There are many applica- tions where HPPD Plus belts have the advantage by eliminating SPACE-SAVING DESIGN OPPORTUNITIES the problem of corrosion associated with chain drives. When compared to other belt systems, Hi-Performance Pd ENGINEERED FOR Plus belts permit a narrower drive, reducing the size of the PERFORMANCE & DURABILITY drive and cutting component cost. Their flexibility, combined Hi-Performance Pd Plus' unique round tooth profile was with a high power-to-weight ratio, allows the use of smaller designed to minimize interference between belt and sprocket sprockets, shorter centers and narrower belts. The compact during mesh, providing greater horsepower capacity without design opportunities are enhanced by the ability to establish a slippage or speed variation. By designing the tooth to disperse permanent center distance, thus eliminating any drive tension- critical stresses and create a positive engagement with the ing device. 23 HI-PERFORMANCE PD� PLUS
Goodyear Rubber Products