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AvailableGasketStressvs.BoltStress 300#FlatFaceFlanges This table is for information purposes only; see notes below BoltStress MinimumRecommended Nom. 30,000psi 60,000psi 75,000psi AssemblyStress Pipe Number Size Bolt Gasket Bolt Gasket Bolt Gasket 1/32" 1/16" 1/8" Size of ofBolts Torque Stress Torque Stress Torque Stress Thick Thick Thick (inches) Bolts (inches) (ft.lbs.) (psi) (ft.lbs.) (psi) (ft.lbs.) (psi) (psi) (psi) (psi) 0.5 4 0.50 30 1,632 60 3,264 75 4,081 4,800 5,400 6,400 0.75 4 0.63 60 1,650 120 3,300 150 4,125 4,800 5,400 6,400 1 4 0.63 60 1,506 120 3,013 150 3,766 4,800 5,400 6,400 1.25 4 0.63 60 1,328 120 2,656 150 3,319 4,800 5,400 6,400 1.5 4 0.75 100 1,428 200 2,857 250 3,571 4,800 5,400 6,400 2 8 0.63 60 1,924 120 3,848 150 4,810 4,800 5,400 6,400 2.5 8 0.75 100 2,124 200 4,247 250 5,309 4,800 5,400 6,400 3 8 0.75 100 1,798 200 3,597 250 4,496 4,800 5,400 6,400 3.5 8 0.75 100 1,525 200 3,051 250 3,813 4,800 5,400 6,400 4 8 0.75 100 1,226 200 2,453 250 3,066 4,800 5,400 6,400 5 8 0.75 100 1,099 200 2,198 250 2,748 4,800 5,400 6,400 6 12 0.75 100 1,341 200 2,682 250 3,352 4,800 5,400 6,400 8 12 0.88 160 1,357 320 2,714 400 3,393 4,800 5,400 6,400 10 16 1.00 245 1,928 490 3,855 613 4,819 4,800 5,400 6,400 12 16 1.13 355 1,841 710 3,682 888 4,602 4,800 5,400 6,400 14 20 1.13 355 1,808 710 3,615 888 4,519 4,800 5,400 6,400 16 20 1.25 500 1,924 1,000 3,847 1,250 4,809 4,800 5,400 6,400 18 24 1.25 500 2,016 1,000 4,031 1,250 5,039 4,800 5,400 6,400 20 24 1.25 500 1,728 1,000 3,457 1,250 4,321 4,800 5,400 6,400 24 24 1.50 800 1,909 1,600 3,818 2,000 4,773 5,000 5,600 6,400 26 28 1.63 1,100 2,562 2,200 5,124 2,750 6,405 -- 6,171 7,171 28 28 1.63 1,100 2,272 2,200 4,544 2,750 5,680 -- 6,193 7,193 30 28 1.75 1,500 2,491 3,000 4,982 3,750 6,228 -- 6,247 7,247 32 28 1.88 2,000 2,703 4,000 5,406 5,000 6,758 -- 6,299 7,299 34 28 1.88 2,000 2,493 4,000 4,987 5,000 6,234 -- 6,336 7,336 36 32 2.00 2,200 3,058 4,400 6,115 5,500 7,644 -- 6,378 7,378 38 32 1.50 800 2,921 1,600 5,841 2,000 7,301 -- 7,365 8,365 40 32 1.62 1,100 3,026 2,200 6,052 2,750 7,566 -- 7,286 8,286 42 32 1.62 1,100 2,878 2,200 5,756 2,750 7,194 -- 7,378 8,378 44 32 1.75 1,500 3,077 3,000 6,155 3,750 7,693 -- 7,369 8,369 46 28 1.88 2,000 2,800 4,000 5,600 5,000 7,000 -- 7,323 8,323 48 32 1.88 2,000 3,119 4,000 6,237 5,000 7,796 -- 7,441 8,441 50 32 2.00 2,200 3,287 4,400 6,574 5,500 8,217 -- 7,428 8,428 52 32 2.00 2,200 3,156 4,400 6,311 5,500 7,889 -- 7,506 8,506 54 28 2.25 3,180 3,095 6,360 6,190 7,950 7,737 -- 7,372 8,372 56 28 2.25 3,180 2,981 6,360 5,963 7,950 7,453 -- 7,443 8,443 58 32 2.25 3,180 3,346 6,360 6,693 7,950 8,366 -- 7,552 8,552 60 32 2.25 3,180 3,230 6,360 6,460 7,950 8,075 -- 7,623 8,623 Notes: WARNING: 1 Properties/applications shownthroughout this brochure are typical. Your specific applica- The values shown are not recommended values. The intent of this tion should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability. table is to illustrate the relationship between bolt torque, bolt stress,For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper gasket stress, and how these three factors relate to the contact area ofsealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. ASME B16.5 & B16.47 Series A flat face flanges. Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing, 2 customer field reports and/or in-house testing. Full face gaskets will typically seal at stresses well below the minimum While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no respon- recommended values shown. See also "Flanges" on page C-50. sibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition cancels 3 Contact Garlock Applications Engineering at 1-800-448-6688 for all previous issues. Subject to change without notice. further discussions regarding the use of compressed non-asbestos, GARLOCK is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other products � � GYLON or GRAPH-LOCK products in flat face flanges. of Garlock. C-47
Goodyear Rubber Products