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Before Installation Gasket Assembly Stress Recommendations � Remove old gasket, and clean flange surface of all debris. For best results, use a metal flange scraper, an aerosol gasket remover and a wire brush, then inspect The minimum recommended assembly stress for the flange for damage. Be sure surface finish and flat- � � Garlock compressed sheet, GYLON and GRAPH-LOCK ness are satisfactory. products differs from "M" and "Y" values. "M" and "Y" do not take factors such as flange condition and blow- � Use the thinnest possible gasket. However, flanges that out resistance into account. Garlock offers the following are warped, bowed or severely pitted require thicker minimum assembly stresses as rules of thumb to use to gaskets. calculate installation bolt torques. � Whenever possible, use ring gaskets. Full face gaskets Operating MinimumAssemblyStressRecommended have more surface area, requiring additional compres- 2 Pressure psi(N/mm ) sive load on the gasket. inpsig 1/32"(0.8mm)1/16"(1.6mm) 1/8"(3.2mm) (bar) Thick Thick Thick � Use dry anti-seize, rather than wet. Talc is best, while Up to 2,500 3,600 4,800 graphite and mica are also acceptable. Never use 300 (21) (17) (25) (33) metal-based anti-seize, since particles may accumulate Up to 4,800 5,400 6,400 in the surface imperfections, thereby creating a flange 800 (55) (33) (37) (44) surface that is too smooth to be effective. Up to 7,400 8,400 9,400 2,000 (140) (51) (58) (65) Maximum recommended compressive stress for: � Compressed fiber and GYLON gaskets = 15,000 psi � GRAPH-LOCK gaskets = 10,000 psi � STRESS SAVER gaskets = 600 - 1,200 psi Rubber gaskets to 60 duro = 600 - 900 psi Installation Rubber gaskets to 70 duro and higher = 600 - 1,200 psi � Center the gasket on the flange. This is extremely vital where raised faces are involved. Correct Bolting Patterns Note:Standard ANSI ring gaskets, when properly cut, should center themselves when the bolts are in place. � Use a torque wrench and well-lubricated fasteners with hardened flat washers to ensure correct initial loading. � Tighten bolts to compress gasket uniformly. This means going from side to side around the joint in a star-like CircularCircularNoncircularNoncircularSquareSquareCircularCircular crossing pattern. See diagrams at right. Four-BoltFour-BoltMultiboltMultiboltFour-BoltFour-BoltMultiboltMultibolt � All bolts should be tightened in one-third increments, according to proper bolting patterns. � Retorque 12 to 24 hours after start-up, whenever pos- sible. All applicable safety standards including lockout/ WARNING: tagout procedure should be observed. Properties/applications shownthroughout this brochure are typical. Your specific applica- tion should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper � Never use liquid or metallic based anti-stick or lubricat- sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. ing compounds on the gaskets. Premature failure could Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing, occur as a result. customer field reports and/or in-house testing. While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no respon- sibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition cancels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice. GARLOCK is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other products of Garlock. C-43
Goodyear Rubber Products