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"M" and "Y" Data "M" and "Y" data are to be used Style Thickness M Y(psi) Style Thickness M Y(psi) for flange designs only as specified in ST-706 1/16" 11.4* 4,800 3545 1/16" 2.6 1,500 the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel 1/8" 22.0* 6,500 1/8" 2.0 2,200 Code Division 1, Section VIII, Appendix 3000 1/16" 4.2 3,050 3/16" 2.0 2,200 1/8" 5.2 4,400 1/4" 7.0 3,700 2. They are not meant to be used as (in envelope) 1/8" 2.0 800 3123/3125 1/16" 2.0 2,500 gasket seating stress values in actual 1/8" 2.0 2,500 HP3560 1/16" 5.0 3,500 1/8" 5.0 4,000 service. Our bolt torque tables give 3124 1/16" 2.0 2,500 (Wire-inserted) 1/8" 2.0 2,500 HP3561 1/16" 5.0 3,500 that information and should be used as 1/8" 5.0 4,000 3125SS 1/16" 6.5 3,300 such. 1/8" 11.8* 5,900 3565 1/16" 2.8 1,400 1/8" 3.7 2,300 3125TC 1/16" 2.6 2,500 "M"-MaintenanceFactor 1/8" 6.0 3,000 3/16" 5.5 2,800 1/4" 6.0 2,800 A factor that provides the additional 3200/3400 1/16" 3.5 2,100 3591 1/16" 4.3 1,650 preload needed in the flange fasteners 1/8" 6.6 3,000 1/8" 2.0 1,650 3300 1/16" 2.1 3,050 to maintain the compressive load on a 3594 1/16" 3.0 1,650 1/8" 4.0 3,500 1/8" 3.0 2,500 gasket after internal pressure is applied 3500 1/16" 5.0 2,750 3700 1/16" 3.5 2,800 to a joint. The net operating stress on a 1/8" 5.0 3,500 1/8" 6.7 4,200 pressurized gasket should be at least 3504 1/16" 3.0 1,650 � IFG 5500 1/16" 6.6 2,600 1/8" 2.5 3,000 (m) x (design pressure, psi). 1/8" 6.6 3,300 3/16" 2.5 3,000 � 1/4" 2.5 3,000 IFG 5507 1/16" 3.5 2,400 "Y"-MinimumDesign 1/8" 5.5 3,900 3510 1/16" 2.0 2,350 1/8" 2.0 2,500 9800 1/16" 3.5 2,350 SeatingStress 1/8" 8.0 3,200 3530 1/16" 2.8 1,650 The minimum compressive stress 1/8" 2.0 1,650 9850 1/16" 6.5 2,550 1/8" 8.0 2,800 in pounds per square inch (or bar) on 3535 1/4" 2.0 3,000 G-9900 1/16" 4.5 4,100 the contact area of the gasket that is 3540 1/16" 3.0 1,700 1/8" 6.0 4,100 1/8" 3.0 2,200 required to provide a seal at an internal 3/16" 2.0 2,200 STRESS � pressure of 2 psig (0.14 bar). 1/4" 2.0 2,500 SAVER 370 1/8" 2.0 400 * These M values, based on ambient temperature leakage with nitrogen, are high. Field experience has shown that lower values would be work- able in elevated temperatures. Consult Applications Engineering. Gasket Constants Style Thickness Gb a Gs S100 S1000 S3000 S5000 S10000 Tpmin Tpmax 3123 1/16" 970 0.384 0.05 5,686 13,765 20,989 25,537 33,325 -- -- 3125SS 1/16" 816 0.377 0.066 4,631 11,033 16,694 20,240 26,284 -- -- 3125TC 1/16" 1400 0.324 0.01 6,225 13,126 18,738 22,110 27,678 -- -- 3500 1/16" 949 0.253 2.60E+00 3,043 5,448 7,194 8,187 9,756 373 16,890 1/8" 1980 0.169 3.93E-01 4,313 6,365 7,663 8,354 9,393 223 25,375 3504 1/16" 183 0.357 4.01E-03 947 2,155 3,190 3,828 4,903 3,097 14,817 1/8" 1008 0.221 2.23E+00 2,793 4,649 5,928 6,638 7,739 141 72,992 3510 1/16" 289 0.274 6.61E-11 1,021 1,918 2,592 2,981 3,605 11,881 25,501 1/8" 444 0.332 1.29E-02 2,048 4,399 6,336 7,507 9,449 1,770 17,550 3535 3/8" 430 0.286 1.69E-09 1,605 3,101 4,245 4,913 5,991 373 3540 1/16" 550 0.304 7.64E-01 2,230 4,491 6,272 7,326 9,044 973 23,670 1/16" 162.1 0.379 1.35E-09 927 2,217 3,361 4,079 5,303 18,209 61,985 3545 1/8" 92.48 0.468 2.50E-03 799 2,349 3,930 4,992 6,907 4,460 53,307 3/16" 628 0.249 7.93E-05 1,977 3,507 4,611 5,236 6,222 373 3561 1/16" 72.3 0.466 2.16E-01 618 1,808 3,016 3,827 5,286 1,688 21,755 3591 1/16" 35 0.582 1.90E-04 517 1,975 3,745 5,041 7,547 1,410 29,194 3594 1/16" 151 0.41 1.64E-05 998 2,564 4,023 4,961 6,591 10,318 41,724 1/8" 66 0.523 4.98E-06 739 2,462 4,373 5,712 8,208 6,308 24,174 3700 1/8" 1,318 0.258 6.00E-01 4,324 7,833 10,400 11,865 14,188 373 -- 5500 1/16" 1,247 0.249 1.10E+01 3,925 6,964 9,155 10,397 12,356 373 -- 9850 1/16" 1,591 0.239 9.30E+00 4,783 8,292 10,782 12,182 14,377 141 110,005 9900 1/16" 2,322 0.133 1.80E+01 4,284 5,819 6,735 7,208 7,904 199 128,434 ST-706 1/16" 2,455 0.267 6.22E-01 8,396 15,526 20,818 23,860 28,711 -- -- Gb = stress at which seal is initiated; "a" = the slope of the log/log tightnessNote: For a 5" OD gasket at 800 psig, Tp100 = 102ml/ min. leakage, curve; Gs = intersection of the unload curve with the vertical axis (Tp1).Tp1,000 = 1.02ml/ min. leakage, Tp10,000 = 0.01 ml /min. leakage. C-40
Goodyear Rubber Products