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Factors Affecting Gasket Selection Gasket Performance Selecting gasketing materials for particular appli- cations is not an easy task. The variables present in a A gasket has one basic function: to create a positive flanged connection seem endless and yet all of them must seal between two relatively stationary parts. The gasket be taken into consideration to assure a proper seal. In must do a number of different jobs well to function prop- the past, the acronym "TAMP" (Temperature, Application, erly: first, create an initial seal; second, maintain the seal Media and Pressure) seemed to give sufficient information over a desired length of time; third, be easily removed and to make a gasketing recommendation. Today, items such replaced. Varying degrees of success are dependent on as: the flange metallurgy, the amount of bolt thread em- how well the gasket does the following: bedment, the amount of flange rotation, the amount of bolt 1. Seals system fluid. stretch, the additives to the media and the flange surface 2. Chemically resists the system fluid to prevent serious finish (in addition to other variables) determine how well impairment of its physical properties. a gasket will perform. In general, the definition of what a 3. Deforms enough to flow into the imperfections on the seal is has changed drastically over the years. Leakage gasket seating surfaces to provide intimate contact measurements have gone from drips a minute to parts per between the gasket and the seating surfaces. million. 4. Withstands system temperatures without serious This catalog is designed to help guide you through the impairment of its performance properties. various gasketing products and narrow your choices. All 5. Is resilient and resists creep enough to maintain an industry standard tests are included in order to allow an adequate portion of the applied load. end user a means of comparison between different materi- 6. Has sufficient strength to resist crushing under the als. Many of the test procedures require that the tests be applied load, and maintain its integrity when being conducted on 1/32" material. As a rule of thumb, gasket handled and installed. performance decreases as material thickness increases. In addition, compressive loads must be increased with 7. Does not contaminate the system fluid. thicker materials. Proper bolting sequences are neces- 8. Does not promote corrosion of the gasket seating sary to ensure those compressive loads are uniform. The surfaces. temperature, pressure and P x T ratings are all based on 9. Is easily and cleanly removable at the time of replace- optimum conditions. When approaching those extremes, it ment. is suggested that you consult with the Garlock Applications Engineering Department or possibly upgrade to a material During the gasket product selection process that fol- that has higher ratings. lows, we recommend that these nine (9) factors be used as a checklist from the viewpoint of the users degree of As industry standards change and new products need for each factor and the manufacturers degree of are introduced, this catalog will be updated. In the mean- compliance. time, we urge you to take advantage of our experienced personnel for assistance. In-plant training, instructional video tapes, additional technical information and gasketing recommendations all are available to help in your selec- tion process. Please feel free to call, fax, write, or e-mail us should you have any questions or concerns. Garlock is here to help. Questions?Call WARNING: Properties/applicationsshown throughout this brochurearetypical. Your specific applica- tion should not be undertaken without independent study and evaluation for suitability. For specific application recommendations consult Garlock. Failure to select the proper sealing products could result in property damage and/or serious personal injury. Performance data published in this brochure has been developed from field testing, customer field reports and/or in-house testing. While the utmost care has been used in compiling this brochure, we assume no respon- sibility for errors. Specifications subject to change without notice. This edition cancels all previous issues. Subject to change without notice. GARLOCK is a registered trademark for packings, seals, gaskets, and other products of Garlock. C-24
Goodyear Rubber Products