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USEFUL TECHNICAL DATA Gasket Style Selection Ensure that the correct style of gasket has been selected for the appropriate application. Note: Flexitallic recommended Style CG Spiral Wound Gaskets up to and including Class 600 rating. Style CGI Gaskets should be employed for pressure Classes 900 and above. All PTFE filled Spiral Wound Gaskets for raised face and flat face flanges should utilize an inner and outer guide ring. When using Style `R' Spiral Wound Gaskets ensure that a compression stop is incorporated into the flange arrangement. Required Gasket Compression For optimum sealing performance Flexitallic Spiral Wound Gaskets should be compressed to the following thicknesses: INITIAL GASKET THICKNESS RECOMMENDED COMPRESSED THICKNESS 1.6mm (0.0625in) 1.3/1.4mm (0.050in/0.055in) 2.5mm (0.100in) 1.9/2.Omm (0.075in/0.080in) 3.2mm (0.125in) 2.3/2.5mm (0.090in/0.100in) 4.5mm (0.175in) 3.2/3.4mm (0.125in/O.135in) 6.4mm (0.250in) 4.6/5.1mm (0.180in/0.200in) 7.2mm (0.285in) 5.1/5.6mm (0.200in/0.220in) Spiral Wound Gaskets with internal or external guide rings i.e. Style CG and CGI, should be fully compressed to the guide ring. This will not damage the gasket or affect the sealing performance, since the rings are provided as a compression limiting stop. USEFUL ASSEMBLY TECHNIQUES Flanges Check that the flange faces are clean, in good condition and with a turned surface finish within the following range Ra 3.2 to 6.3 micro metres (125 to 250 micro inches). Bolting Ensure that the correct bolting material is utilized to suit the operating conditions, taking into account the limitation of low yield strength bolts. Ensure that the use of bolt lubrication is employed. For torque tightening methods Flexitallic recommends the use of molybdenum disulphide bolt lubrication or similar nickel based compound. Do not apply any lubricants when using PTFE coated fasteners. Consult with the coating manufacturers for product specific friction coefficients. Tightening Procedures Controlled tightening procedures should be used when installing spiral wound gaskets. Flexitallic recommends that the use of hydraulic tensioning equipment be considered where possible for bolt diameters 11/ 4" and above. Please refer to Flexitallic's Design Criteria for futher technical information. 28
Goodyear Rubber Products