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Page # Page # Page # SanitaryIXfittings,continued StainlessSteel, continued Tees - Tube Weld end 326 Thread tape 500 Bullhead 469 Screw clamps 281-284 Tube hangers 365 Fittings 135, 138, 140, 142, 143, 144, Scovilltype fittings 322-324 Threadedfittings 459-473 145, 146, 148, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, Security chains 58 Steam- 159, 255, 260, 268, 276, 277, 469, 473 Self-closing gatevalves 425 Hosecouplings 83, 84 Grooved 481 Self-storing airhose 128 Quickdisconnects 82 Mechanical 480 Servicekit, pinch-onclamps 280 Gauge siphon 209 Sanitary 342, 357, 358, 362, 363 Servicestation equipment 485-499 Valve, 250 lb. 432 Side outlet 467 Short shanks 221-222, 236, 251, 273 Stepless�ear clamps 280 Streetservice 467, 468 Shut-off - Storzfittings 419 Teflon�- Nozzles 417, 421, 422 Straightthroughfittings 243, 294, 295 Gaskets 44, 59, 492 Safety valves 121 Stretchstrap 507 Sealant 500 Valves 121, 198, 455 Strainers - Tape 500 Siameseclappers 391 Foot valves and strainers 231 Temperatureindicatingnozzle 239 Sightflowindicators 65, 463, 491 Y and T line 450 Test plugs and caps 503 SingleBoltclamps 290 Y, cast iron, bronze 450 Testpumps 503 Skimmers 231 Strap-Grip 52, 289 Thermometers - Sleeves 34, 137, 158, 506 Straub pipe couplings 456, 457 Bimetal 208, 209 Soap, high pressure nozzle 242 Suctiondeflector 499 Magnetic 208 Solenoids 449 Suction hose couplings 221-223 Thermoplastic- Spanner wrenches 223, 396, 397 Super King shank couplings 234 Caps 394, 395 Speed controlmufflers 118, 449 SurelockQuick-acting couplings 96, 97 Nozzles 412, 413, 421 Spiral - Swagedfittings 32-34, 87, 314, 317 Plug 395 Hose and cable protection 505 Swing wall reels, style V 386 Thermowells,stainless threaded 209 Wire hose clamps 291 Switches,limit 449 Threaded - Splicer, elbow 260 Swivel - Caps 276, 488 Splicer, tee 260 Adapters 402-404 Elbows, 90� 255, 269 Spool adapters & couplers, C & G 48 Angled 130, 131 Polypropylene 474, 475 Spray hose - Angledindustrialplugs 108 Unions 253, 465 Couplings 235 Connectors, ball, with Air Chief plugs107 Tees 255, 469, 475 Nozzles 242, 243 Continuous swiveling elbows 389 Test caps 503 Sprayer, industrial service 248 Double female 404 Thorstyle fittings 96-101 Spring return handle valve 429 Fittings 130, 131, 136, 143, Thread - Squeeze Lok hoseassembly tool 264 145, 146,147, 148, 251, Tape, stainless steel 500 StainlessSteel- 252, 256, 257, 261, 269, 508 Tape, Teflon� 500 Ball cone check valve 455 Hose 128, 495 Tight fill couplers and adapters 485, 486 Ball valves 426-434 Jaw pliers 291 Tire - Boltedfittings 476 Joints 76-79 Inflator chuck 129 Clamps,pinch-on 279 Syracuse valves 425 Inflatorgauges 129 Dry quick disconnects 62-67 T Line strainers 450 Inserts 236 T Tools - Ferrules 32-35, 266, 316, Tags, hose 507 Clamp 280, 288, 289 323, 326, 328 T-Boltclamps 292, 293 Crimping 266, 267 Gauges 211, 212, 214 Tank car - Push-on fitting 258 Lockable ball valves 433 Fittings,railroad 44, 45 Tubefittings 144-150 Menders 229, 236 Gaskets 44 Tubing - Notched short shank C&G 35 Tank truck equipment 485-499 Braided 270 Quickcouplings 108-112 Tape - Clear 270 Push-infittings 141 Fire 506 Cutters 271 Short shankcouplings 235 Safety 507 DOT, air brake 157 Sightflow indicator 463 Teflon� 500 Metric 153 Thermowells, threaded stainless 209 Thread 500 Nylon 11 152 DPL108 561 pages555-562.pmd 561 10/5/2007, 10:29 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products