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Corporate Headquarters, Clearwater, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Bradenton, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, St. Petersburg, (FL)
Parker Store, Ft. Myers, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Naples, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Tampa, Florida, (FL)
Corporate Headquarters,
Clearwater, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Bradenton, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, St. Petersburg, (FL)
Parker Store, Ft. Myers, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Naples, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Tampa, Florida, (FL)
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A TruckTankMaintenance&PipeHoseFireSanitaryHoledallHydraulicPlasticBrassShankAirBossSwivelCam& Pipe and Welding Fittings ValvesClampsGrooveJointsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsRepairFittings&FittingsWeldingFittingsFittings NPT Threaded Pipe Fittings B Square Head Plugs C 150# Iron Galvanized 316 Stainless Steel Forged Steel Size Part # Price/E Part # Price/E Part # Price/E Part # Price/E 1/8" SHP18 $1.30 SHP18G $2.05 SHP18SS $3.05 --- --- 1/4" SHP14 1.30 SHP14G 2.20 SHP14SS 3.25 SHP14FS $3.00 D 3/8" SHP38 1.30 SHP38G 2.20 SHP38SS 3.50 SHP38FS 3.05 1/2" SHP50 1.45 SHP50G 2.20 SHP50SS 4.05 SHP50FS 3.25 3/4" SHP75 1.45 SHP75G 2.75 SHP75SS 5.20 SHP75FS 4.00 1" SHP100 1.80 SHP100G 2.75 SHP100SS 8.05 SHP100FS 6.15 E 1-1/4" SHP125 2.25 SHP125G 4.65 SHP125SS 11.45 --- --- 1-1/2" SHP150 3.15 SHP150G 6.25 SHP150SS 13.70 SHP150FS 14.50 2" SHP200 4.50 SHP200G 7.95 SHP200SS 25.55 --- --- 2-1/2" SHP250 8.25 SHP250G 15.50 SHP250SS 35.80 --- --- 3" SHP300 11.25 SHP300G 22.00 SHP300SS 46.60 SHP300FS 98.00 F 4" SHP400 23.50 SHP400G 45.75 SHP400SS 96.15 --- --- 5" SHP500 50.75 --- --- --- --- --- --- 6" SHP600 62.00 SHP600G 90.00 --- --- --- --- G Crosses 150# Iron Size Part # Price / Each H 1/8" MIC18 $7.60 1/4" MIC25 6.50 3/8" MIC38 6.60 1/2" MIC50 7.40 I 3/4" MIC75 9.10 1" MIC100 11.15 1-1/4" MIC125 18.25 1-1/2" MIC150 22.50 2" MIC200 37.25 J 2-1/2" MIC250 65.75 3" MIC300 98.00 4" MIC400 200.00 K Caps 150# Iron Galvanized 316 Stainless Steel Size Part # Price / E Part # Price / E Part # Price / E L 1/8" MICAP18 $2.05 --- --- SSCAP18 $3.20 1/4" MICAP25 2.05 --- --- SSCAP25 3.45 3/8" MICAP38 1.75 --- --- SSCAP38 3.85 1/2" MICAP50 1.55 MICAP50G $1.95 SSCAP50 5.35 3/4" MICAP75 2.15 MICAP75G 2.90 SSCAP75 7.10 M 1" MICAP100 2.50 --- --- SSCAP10 8.40 1-1/4" MICAP120 3.35 --- --- SSCAP12 14.70 1-1/2" MICAP150 4.50 --- --- SSCAP15 17.30 2" MICAP200 6.00 --- --- SSCAP20 26.00 N 2-1/2" MICAP250 14.85 --- --- --- --- 3" MICAP300 22.00 --- --- --- --- 4" MICAP400 34.40 --- --- --- --- 5" MICAP500 72.40 --- --- --- --- 6" MICAP600 137.50 --- --- --- --- O � Other sizes are also available � 304 stainless steel fittings are also available, consult the factory for pricing and availability. P 470 DPL108 pages456-484.pmd 470 10/5/2007, 10:25 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products