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A Holedall Fittings Recommended Working Pressures B Holedall couplings, regardless of coupling style, are never to be used for steam service at any pressure. Holedall fittings listed below are not to be used with cable reinforced high-pressure hose, 4 or 6 braid wire hydraulic hose or any other service not listed in recommendations. Consult factory for recommendations on usage. Holedall couplings, to perform satisfactorily, must be applied properly in accordance with Dixon's assembly procedures, C using correct die and ferrule for that particular hose end O.D. Dixon's Die and Ferrule Recommendation Guide is to be used to select correct dies and ferrules. If you do not have the updated Die and Ferrule Recommendation Guide, consult the factory. D Note: Hose service working pressure (including surges and spikes) is never to exceed the maximum recommended working pressure for the fitting (reference chart below)*. King safety cables are recommended. Media being transported through the hose should be compatible with the stem material and ferrule material. Consult Compatibility Chart on pages 513-517 or the factory for material compatibility. For applications other than the ones listed, please consult Dixon factory. E Internally Expanded Swaged Couplings Couplings Flow Chief / Light Duty Fittings Standard Long Style Holedall II Cam and Internally Crimp TO Ferrules, Notched Short F Fittings Fittings Fittings Groove Expanded Sanitary Size Notched Fittings Fittings Fittings RST���NOS, TM, TP, TML, TPL, TM, TP, TG, IXM, IXSE, IXFS, STC���NOS, FW TG TGL RN���NO IXV, IXH IXMS, CSSR GAS����NOS G 3/4" --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1" --- --- --- --- --- 250 --- --- 1-1/4" 600 1,000 350 --- --- --- 800 --- H 1-3/8" --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 1-1/2" 600 1,000 350 250 300 250 800 250 2" 600 1,000 350 250 300 250 800 250 2-1/2" 600 1,000 250 --- 250 150 600 250 I 3" 600 1,000 250 250 200 125 600 ** 250 4" 500 850 250 *** 200 100 500 ** 200 5" 450 750 --- --- --- --- --- --- J 6" 400 700 --- --- --- --- 400 --- 8" 350 600 --- --- --- --- --- --- 10" 300 550 --- --- --- --- --- --- � Maximum recommended working pressures, in PSI, at 70� ambient temperature. K � For applications other than the ones listed, please consult Dixon factory. * The assembly's (hose + coupling) maximum working pressure is the lesser of: 1) The hose rated working pressure, or 2) The coupling rated working pressure L ** For hoses which use IXF48-3 to IXF48-5 and IXF64-2 to IXF64-5, consult the factory for working pressures. See notes below for specific recommendations. FittingsClampsGrooveValvesJointsRepairFittings&FittingsFittingsWeldingFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittings BrassShankAirBossSwivel&Cam&TruckPlasticHydraulicHoledallSanitaryTankFireHosePipeMaintenance Standard Fittings M Recommended for use on most one and two wire braid reinforced hoses, fiber braided and helical wire reinforced hose, such as: oil suction and discharge hose, barge and dock loading and unloading hose, L.P. gas hose, anhydrous ammonia hose, aircraft fueling hose and acid chemical hose. Long Style Fittings N Recommended for use on hose as listed under standard fittings where additional retention is required due to higher working pressures or end pull. Consult maximum working pressure chart or call factory. Holedall II Fittings Recommended for Royalflex P1193 and P1196 hose or hoses with similar construction, having helical wire for a given O.D. range. O Light Duty Fittings Recommended for use in the same applications as standard fittings above except that hose rated working pressure is never to exceed the maximum recommended working pressure listed in chart above. P DPL108 321 pages312-328.pmd 321 10/5/2007, 10:15 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products