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Corporate Headquarters,
Clearwater, Florida, (FL)
Parker Store, Bradenton, Florida, (FL)
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A PlasticHydraulicBrassShankTruckTankHoledallAirMaintenanceBoss&PipeSanitarySwivelHoseCam&Fire Shank Type Fittings ValvesClampsJointsGrooveFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsRepair&FittingsWeldingFittingsFittings Dixon Steel Hose Menders B � They are not for compressible products such as air, nitrogen or steam. � The working pressure may vary with the construction of the hose, the type of clamping system used and the C application. Consult the factory for recommendations. � In accordance with the R.M.A. bulletin for oil suction and discharge hose, a coupled length of hose in any size, Zinc Plated Steel Pkg Size should be tested to 1� times the working pressure and D Part # Price/E Qty held for fifteen minutes without leaking or coupling 1/4" DMA $5.65 200 movement. For additional information and detailed 3/8" DMB 5.70 100 instruction on testing procedures, see the Rubber 1/2" DM1 5.20 50 Manufacturers Association (R.M.A.) handbook. 5/8" DM5 5.80 50 E 3/4" DM6 4.25 50 1" DM11 4.30 50 1-1/4" DM16 6.55 50 1-3/8" DM18 21.55 50 Stainless Steel Pkg F 1-1/2" DM21 6.40 50 Size Part # Price/E Qty 1-1/2" DMXL21* 20.00 25 2" DM26 8.50 50 1/4" RDMA $23.20 100 2" DMXL26* 23.80 25 3/8" RDMB 25.95 100 2-1/2" DM31 14.45 25 1/2" RDM1 23.30 50 G 3" DM36 17.10 20 3/4" RDM6 47.50 50 4" DM46 28.70 10 1" RDM11 50.40 50 5" DM51 99.10 5 1-1/4" RDM16 53.00 5 6" DM66 65.20 4 1-1/2" RDM21 61.10 50 H 8" DM86 162.70 1 2" RDM26 67.80 10 10" DM100 269.10 1 3" RDM36 152.35 5 12" DM120 426.45 1 4" RDM46 180.75 5 * XL series is extra long I King Steel Hose Menders J � They are not for compressible products such as air, nitrogen or steam. For 1 Clamp Each End For 2 Clamps Each End � The working pressure may vary with the construction Steel Steel of the hose, the type of clamping system used and the K Size Size application. Consult the factory for recommendations. Part # Price/E Part # Price/E � In accordance with the R.M.A. bulletin for oil suction and 1/4" KM21 $7.95 1/4" --- --- discharge hose, a coupled length of hose in any size, 5/16" KM251 5.85 5/16" --- --- should be tested to 1� times the working pressure and 1/2" KM41 7.25 1/2" KM42 $9.10 L held for fifteen minutes without leaking or coupling 5/8" KM51 10.55 5/8" KM52 9.95 movement. For additional information and detailed 3/4" KM61 5.70 3/4" KM62 8.75 instruction on testing procedures, see the Rubber 1" KM81 6.45 1" KM82 9.80 Manufacturers Association (R.M.A.) handbook. 1-1/4" KM101 6.45 1-1/4" KM102 10.80 M 1-1/2" KM121 9.35 1-1/2" KM122 15.80 2" --- --- 2" KM162 22.05 Strainer with Spring Loaded Check Valves N � Brass with NBR seat, stainless steel strainer Size Part # Price/E � Soft seat for bubble tight shutoff, spring loaded for fast seating action. 1�" BVFS20* $78.65 � Flow profile designed to minimize head loss. O 2" BVFS25* 123.75 � Temperature range: 10�F to 210�F (-10�C to 100�C) 3" BVFS35 333.05 � Cracking pressure: 0.50 PSI 4" BVFS40 502.30 � Pressure rating: * NSF61 approved 1�" - 2" 400 PSI WOG P 3" - 4" 175 PSI WOG 230 DPL108 pages216-236.pmd 230 10/5/2007, 10:06 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products