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Hammer Unions Forged Steel Hammer Unions A PlasticBrassShankTruckTankHydraulicAirMaintenanceBoss&PipeHoledallSwivelHoseFireSanitaryCam& Hammer Unions ValvesClampsGrooveJointsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsRepair&FittingsWeldingFittingsFittingsFittings Forged Steel Hammer Unions B 206 Series C � O-ring mounted sub provides excellent sealing properties � Runs air, water, oil or gas up to 2,000 PSI NSCWP (non-shock cold working pressure) � Grey sub, blue nut D Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E 1" HU206100 threaded 2000 $70.50 1�" HU206150 threaded 2000 101.00 2" HU206200 threaded 2000 103.85 2�" HU206250 threaded 2000 208.00 E 3" HU206300 threaded 2000 169.00 4" HU206400 threaded 2000 251.20 � Socket weld configurations and other materials are 6" HU206600 threaded 2000 963.70 available, contact the factory for further information. � Hammer unions work at extremely high pressures. F Mismatching components of one series with 602 Series another (i.e. series 602 with series 1502) can lead to destruction of property, serious bodily injury or death. � Lip type seal ring minimizes fluid flow turbulence while creating a pressure seal � For use in mud, manifold service and truck mounting G applications running air, water, oil, gas or mud up to 100 Series 6,000 PSI NSCWP (non-shock cold working pressure) � Used on low pressure manifolds and lines and in � Orange sub, black nut applications running air, water, oil or gas up to 1,000 PSI Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E H NSCWP (non-shock cold working pressure) � Yellow sub, black nut 1" HU602100 threaded 6000 $118.00 2" HU602200 threaded 6000 219.75 Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E 2" HU100200 threaded 1000 $44.50 I 2" HU100200BW buttweld 1000 74.00 1002 Series 2�" HU100250 threaded 1000 116.75 3" HU100300 threaded 1000 110.50 � Lip type seal ring minimizes fluid flow turbulence while 4" HU100400 threaded 1000 165.60 creating a pressure seal 4" HU100400BW buttweld 1000 242.00 � For use in high pressure systems and truck mounting J 6" HU100600 threaded 1000 477.50 applications running air, water, oil, gas or mud up to 8" HU100800 threaded 1000 901.10 10,000 PSI NSCWP (non-shock cold working pressure) � blue sub, red nut Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E K 200 Series 1" HU1002100 threaded 10000 $195.00 � Used in general service applications running air, water, oil 2" HU1002200 threaded 10000 271.70 or gas up to 2,000 PSI NSCWP (non-shock cold working 4" HU1002400 threaded 10000 780.00 pressure) L � Grey sub, blue nut Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E 1502 Series 1" HU200100 threaded 2000 $28.90 � Lip type seal ring minimizes fluid flow turbulence while 1�" HU200150 threaded 2000 75.00 creating a pressure seal M 2" HU200200 threaded 2000 43.50 � For use in extreme high pressure applications running air, 2" HU200200BW buttweld 2000 78.00 water, oil, gas or mud up to 15,000 PSI NSCWP 2�" HU200250 threaded 2000 171.00 (non-shock cold working pressure) 3" HU200300 threaded 2000 148.00 � Red sub, blue nut 4" HU200400 threaded 2000 189.00 N 6" HU200600 threaded 2000 910.75 Size Part # Configuration NSCWP Price/E 2" HU1502200 threaded 15000 $270.50 O P 80 DPL108 pages076-090.pmd 80 10/5/2007, 9:55 AM Hammer Unions Forged Steel Hammer Unions
Goodyear Rubber Products