title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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Gaskets A Cam and Groove Cam and Groove Gaskets B C Extra Thick Ethylene White White Buna-N Viton�-A Buna-N Propylene Neoprene Neoprene Buna-N Silicone D Size Part # - BU - VI THK - EPR - NE - WNE - WB - SIL �" 50-G $.90 $4.35 --- --- --- --- --- --- �" 75-G .90 5.15 --- $1.60 $1.60 --- --- --- E 1" 100-G .90 7.60 $1.20 1.70 1.70 --- --- --- 1�" 125-G .90 10.50 1.60 1.75 1.80 --- --- --- 1�" 150-G .90 10.50 1.60 1.75 1.80 $4.15 --- $3.05 2" 200-G .90 15.15 1.70 1.95 2.00 5.70 --- 3.40 2�" 250-G 1.10 18.70 2.15 2.15 2.75 --- --- --- F 3" 300-G 1.15 19.45 2.15 2.30 3.25 8.70 $8.35 7.45 4" 400-G 1.55 32.35 2.75 3.05 4.00 9.10 8.85 8.65 5" 500-G 2.95 73.10 --- --- --- 17.65 --- --- 6" 600-G 4.40 64.85 --- --- --- 12.30 --- --- G 8" 800-G 19.70 110.90 --- --- --- --- --- --- Note: White neoprene and white Buna-N gaskets contain all FDA approved materials. � Teflon Gaskets H Envelope Gaskets Encapsulated Gaskets Accordion Gaskets I Envelope Gaskets Encapsulated Gaskets Accordion Teflon� Gaskets Teflon� Ethylene Teflon� Teflon� Teflon� Teflon� White Buna Propylene Encapsulated Encapsulated Teflon� Buna filler Viton� filler filler filler Silicone Viton� Accordion J Size Part # - TF - TFVI TFWB TFEP - TES - TEV TFACC �" 50-G $6.90 $9.30 --- --- --- --- --- �" 75-G 6.90 15.75 --- --- $30.75 $46.15 $13.90 K 1" 100-G 8.65 19.95 --- --- 30.75 46.15 13.90 1�" 125-G 8.75 26.35 --- --- 33.60 52.90 19.00 1�" 150-G 10.90 21.60 --- $13.60 33.60 52.90 19.00 2" 200-G 13.45 27.40 $13.60 15.35 37.20 55.85 20.00 2�" 250-G 21.75 42.65 --- --- 44.20 71.45 --- L 3" 300-G 16.70 37.55 18.95 18.95 50.90 78.25 47.75 4" 400-G 26.95 60.85 34.90 --- 68.15 111.45 --- ClampsValvesGrooveJointsFittingsRepairFittings&FittingsFittingsWeldingFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittings 5" 500-G --- --- 66.25 --- --- --- --- BrassFireTruckTankShankAirHoseBossSwivel&CamPlasticSanitaryMaintenance&PipeHoledallHydraulic 6" 600-G 70.40 114.90 --- --- --- --- --- M � Teflon� white Buna filler (TFWB) and Teflon� encapsulated silicone (TES) contain all FDA approved materials. � Teflon� accordion gaskets (TFACC) are recommended for use with viscous (thick) fluids only. � Encapsulated gasket pressure ratings are reduced to 125 PSI for �" - 2�" at ambient temperature (70�F) when these gaskets are used. N � Teflon� encapsulated Viton� (TEV) gaskets - maximum operating temperature 200�F � Teflon� encapsulated silicone gaskets (TES) gaskets - maximum operating temperature 225�F � Maximum operating temperatures for specific chemicals may be lower. Contact the Dixon Factory for specific recommendations. O The torque (force) required to close the handles on a pair of cam and groove fittings will vary according to the gasket chosen. Due to the nature of the Teflon� material, the various Teflon� gasket designs will require the most torque, increasing as you go from envelope to encapsulated, and finally, accordion. P DPL108 59 pages055-075.pmd 59 10/5/2007, 9:54 AM Gaskets
Goodyear Rubber Products