title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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Couplers A Cam and Groove Polypropylene Cam and Groove Couplers B Polypropylene not recommended for use with Teflon� gaskets. Type D Couplers Type B Couplers C Polypropylene Pkg Polypropylene Pkg Size Size Part # Price/E Qty Part # Price/E Qty �" x �" PPD50 $12.25 24 �" x �" PPB50 $12.25 24 �" PPD75 12.25 24 �" PPB75 12.25 24 D 1" PPD100 14.00 24 1" PPB100 14.00 24 1�" x 1�" PPD125 16.75 24 1�" x 1�" PPB125 16.75 24 1�" PPD150 16.60 24 1�" PPB150 16.55 24 2" PPD200 19.60 24 2" PPB200 19.60 24 E 3" PPD300 32.25 24 Female Coupler x 3" PPB300 32.25 24 Female Coupler x 4" PPD400 2 64.75 8 Female NPT 4" PPB400 2 64.75 8 Male NPT Type C Couplers Type H Dust Caps 1 F Polypropylene Pkg Polypropylene Pkg Size Size Part # Price/E Qty Part # Price/E Qty G �" x �" PPC50 $12.25 24 �" PPH75 $11.85 24 �" PPC75 12.25 24 1" PPH100 13.55 24 1" PPC100 14.00 24 1�" PPH150 16.60 24 1�" x 1�" PPC125 16.75 24 2" PPH200 19.60 24 1�" PPC150 16.60 24 3" PPH300 32.25 24 H 2 2" PPC200 19.60 24 4" PPH400 47.10 8 3" PPC300 32.25 24 4" PPC400 2 64.75 8 Female Coupler x Hose Shank Dust Cap 1 I � Recommended for a maximum working pressure of 125 PSI (�" - 1"), 100 PSI (1�" - 2") and 75 PSI (3" - 4"). Recommendations based on the use of mating Dixon fittings at an ambient temperature of 70�F with standard seal installed. � �" couplers and adapters will interchange with �" couplers and adapters. Only the threads and barbs are �". 1�" couplers and adapters will interchange with 1�" couplers and adapters. Only the threads and barbs are 1�". J � Polypropylene cam and groove should not be mixed with aluminum fittings. � Supplied with EPDM gaskets, 304 stainless steel handles and pins. � Couplers are manufactured from a glass-filled polypropylene. K 1 Dust caps and dust plugs are not to be used in pressure applications for safety and environmental reasons. 2 4" coupler has 3 handles Polypropylene Coupler Elbows L 90� Coupler x Female NPT 90� Coupler x Hose Shank FittingsClampsValvesGrooveRepair&WeldingFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsJointsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittings FireHoseTruckPipe&PlasticMaintenanceCamTankBrassHydraulicShankSanitaryAir&BossHoledallSwivel M Polypropylene Pkg Polypropylene Pkg Size Size Part # Price/E Qty Part # Price/E Qty 1�" 90PPD150 $19.35 24 1�" 90PPC150 $19.35 24 2" 90PPD200 23.45 24 2" 90PPC200 23.45 24 N � Recommended for a maximum working pressure of 100 PSI (1�" - 2"). Recommendations based on the use of mating Dixon fittings at an ambient temperature of 70�F with standard seal installed. O � Coupler elbows are manufactured from a glass-filled polypropylene. � Supplied with EPDM gaskets, 304 stainless steel handles and pins. � For use at elevated temperatures or other unusual operating conditions, consult factory. Optional Pkg./Box Quantity Shown P DPL108 39 pages037-054.pmd 39 10/5/2007, 9:52 AM Couplers
Goodyear Rubber Products