title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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Cam and Groove A PlasticHydraulicBrassShankTruckTankHoledallAirMaintenanceBoss&PipeSanitarySwivelHoseCam&Fire Cam and Groove ValvesClampsFittingsRepair&FittingsWeldingGrooveJointsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittings 304 Stainless Steel Crimp Sleeves B Hose O.D. 304 Stainless Steel Size Price/E From: To: Ferrule Part # C 2" 2-30/64" 2-44/64" GCS2709 $21.10 3" 3-30/64" 3-46/64" GCS3760 30.90 � The hose O.D. ranges for the crimp sleeves are the same as for Dixon's standard D cam and groove notched ferrules. � Dixon stems and ferrules are specifically designed to be used together as a coupling system. Due to differences in dimensions and tolerances for safety reasons, do not use other manufacturer's stems or ferrules with Dixon Holedall products. � The crimp sleeve is not designed to be used in applications where the assembly is Crimp Sleeve E exposed to high temperatures. Note: Carbon steel is also available. Contact the factory for pricing and availability. F Swaged Boss-Lock Type C Cam and Groove Couplers The largest advantage of the notched Boss-Lock design is that the coupling can be removed G from a damaged hose by cutting away the ferrule, without necessarily damaging the fitting. After inspection to determine its suitability for reuse, it can be reinstalled into another hose by using a new ferrule. H The notched Boss-Lock system allows you to better manage your inventories. You can stock one coupling and two ferrules, and thereby cover the same hose range with less inventory. You must purchase a fitting and the matching ferrule to create an assembly. I 316 Stainless Steel Size Price/E Coupler Part # J 1�" RC150BLNO $100.50 2" RC200BLNO 102.15 3" RC300BLNO 192.70 Female Coupler 4" RC400BLNO 278.90 x Hose Shank K L Hose O.D. 316 Stainless Steel Size Price/E From: To: Notched Ferrule Part # 1�" 1-60/64" 2-12/64" GAS2334NO $32.30 1�" 2-4/64" 2-22/64" GAS2370NO 33.50 M 2" 2-30/64" 2-44/64" GAS2709NO 26.95 2" 2-42/64" 2-54/64" GAS2885NO 55.65 3" 3-30/64" 3-46/64" GAS3760NO 42.20 3" 3-47/64" 3-54/64" GAS3885NO 58.90 N 4" 4-40/64" 4-47/64" GAS5010NO 171.00 Notched Ferrule Stainless steel crimp sleeves for Dixon couplers and adapters are located at the top of this O page. P 34 Dixon Valve & Coupling Co., DPL108 pages014-036.pmd 34 10/5/2007, 9:51 AM Cam and Groove
Goodyear Rubber Products