title>Dixon Fittings Catalog Goodyear Rubber Products
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Dust Caps A HoseFireSanitaryHoledallHydraulicPlasticBrassShankTruckTankAirBossMaintenancePipe&Cam&Swivel Cam and Groove ValvesClampsFittingsFittingsRepair&WeldingFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsFittingsJointsGroove Dixon Type DC Dust Caps B Aluminum 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Hard Coat Part # Price/E Part # Price/E Part # Price/E C �" 50-DC-AL $18.75 --- --- 50-DC-BR $28.50 �" 75-DC-AL 21.00 --- --- 75-DC-BR 37.65 1" 100-DC-AL 21.00 --- --- 100-DC-BR 47.30 1�" 150-DC-AL 27.00 150-DC-ALH $40.20 150-DC-BR 62.65 D 2" 200-DC-AL 27.00 200-DC-ALH 41.00 200-DC-BR 62.70 2�" 2 250-DC-AL3 44.05 --- --- --- --- 3" 300-DC-AL 35.40 300-DC-ALH 55.25 300-DC-BR 90.60 4" 400-DC-AL 48.00 400-DC-ALH 81.40 400-DC-BR 133.45 5" 500-DC-AL 79.90 --- --- 500-DC-BR 312.00 E 6" 600-DC-AL 119.85 600-DC-ALH 188.00 --- --- Dust Cap 3 8" 1 800-DC-AL 495.00 --- --- --- --- 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. The 8" Dixon dust cap has 2 cam arms, unlike the Dixon type D, which has 4. F 2 See Boss-Lock for 1�" couplers. 3 Parts are manufactured in Canada. Boss-Lock Type H Dust Caps G 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Part # Price/E Part # Price/E H �" --- --- --- --- 1" AH100 $33.10 BH100 $63.90 1�" AH125 32.60 BH125 64.00 1�" AH150 35.00 BH150 74.25 2" AH200 35.00 BH200 90.40 I 2�" AH250 37.85 BH250 106.10 3" AH300 47.30 BH300 129.90 4" AH400 65.50 BH400 183.30 6" AH600 178.15 BH600 474.50 1 J Dust Cap 3 8" AH800 426.60 --- --- 1 Dixon and Boss-Lock cam and groove couplings do not interchange in the 8" size. The 8" Boss-Lock design has 2 cam arms. K EZ Boss-Lock Type H Dust Caps L 356T6 Aluminum Brass Size Part # Price/E Part # Price/E M �" --- --- --- --- 1" AH100EZ $67.90 BH100EZ $105.90 1�" --- --- --- --- 1�" AH150EZ 68.50 BH150EZ 106.00 2" AH200EZ 68.50 BH200EZ 115.00 N 2�" AH250EZ 75.50 --- --- 3" AH300EZ 100.00 BH300EZ 237.40 4" AH400EZ 117.70 --- --- 6" AH600EZ 207.00 --- --- O Dust Cap 3 3 Dust caps and dust plugs are not to be used in pressure applications for safety and environmental reasons. P 26 Dixon Valve & Coupling Co., DPL108 pages014-036.pmd 26 10/5/2007, 9:51 AM Dust Caps
Goodyear Rubber Products