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Cam & Groove A pages 14 - 75 Hydraulic Fittings Holedall Fittings Swivel Joints B pages 76 - 79 Boss Fittings C pages 80 - 90 Straight through's, Flo-Mate, flow control valves, Rams, Holedall externally swaged fittings, Air Fittings, FRL's, high pressure ball valves, needle valves, flanged assemblies, notched fittings, Holedall Gauges D hydraulic quick connects, return line fittings, internally expanded fittings, sanitary fittings, plugs and caps, swivel adapters, hydraulic Holedall petroleum fittings, petroleum coupling pages 91 - 215 couplings expanders, API certified fittings p. 294 p. 312 I J Shank Fittings Sanitary Fittings Fire Hose Fittings E pages 216 - 236 Brass Fittings F pages 237 - 267 Plastic Fittings G pages 268 - 278 Clamp fittings, 3A gaskets, weld fittings, bevel Flat Seal couplings, fire hose, reels, clappers, seat fittings, John Perry, Q-Line, and I-line expansion ring couplings, wrenches, adapters, fittings, buttweld fittings, tube O.D. fittings and swivels, nipples, valves, thermoplastic, brass Clamps hangers, ball valves, butterfly valves, check and aluminum nozzles, dry hydrants, Storz H pages 279 - 293 valves fittings, expanders p. 329 p.374 K L Valves Pipe and Welding Fittings Hydraulic Fittings I pages 294 - 311 Holedall Fittings J pages 312 - 328 Sanitary Fittings K pages 329 - 373 Ball valves, locking ball valves, steam valves, Weld end fittings, welding nipples, flanges, mini valves, pneumatically actuated valves, turned back fittings, NPT threaded fittings, non-metallic ball valves, strainers, gate valves, nipples, sight flow indicators, grooved pipe butterfly valves, air valves, globe fittings, Straub couplings Fire Hose Fittings valves p.424 p.456 L M N pages 374 - 423 Tank Truck Fittings Maintenance and Repair Valves M pages 424 - 455 Pipe & Welding N pages 456 - 484 Tight and loose fill couplers and adapters, shank Thread tape, test pumps, coupling inserter, Tank Truck Fittings O couplings, pipe caps, sight flow indicators, hose mallet, hose knife, hose jackets and pages 485 - 499 reducers and adapters for tank trucks, Bayco hose guards, hose tags, ties and tape swivels, Bayco hose nozzles, rack p.500 Maintenance & cords, dry disconnects O p.485 P Repair P pages 500 - 507 pages001-013.pmd 1 10/5/2007, 9:50 AM
Goodyear Rubber Products