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ADDITIONAL SERVICES TERMS & CONDITIONS CHEMREST LIMITED WARRANTY � AND DISCLAIMERS Best CHEMRESTis deticated strictly to selecting gloves for chemical resistance. This user-friendly website Best warrants only that gloves manufactured by Best will contains ASTM and CE compliant chemical resistance be free from defects in materials and workmanship at the data for over 9000 chemical tests and includes the time of manufacture. This limited warranty expires one (1) following features. year after shipment. This limited warranty is exclusive and 35 in lieu of all other warranties, express, implied, or statutory. � Over 300 pure chemicals or chemical mixtures tested Best's entire obligation and the exclusive remedy to any � 16 different Best gloves tested including new styles party for breach of this limited warranty shall be limited to � ASTM test methods for two levels of exposure, heavy replacement or refund of the original purchase price of the and intermittent product, at Best's option, and subject to customer's com- pliance with Best's Returns policy. Best's limited warranty � ASTM F739-96 Standard Test Method for Permeation by shall not apply, however, to Best-made gloves that have Liquids or Gases Under Conditions of Heavy Continuous been subject to misuse, accident, or negligence during Exposure where glove materials are totally immersed in service, handling, or storage. the test chemicals for eight hours � ASTM F1383-96 Standard Test Method for Permeation DISCLAIMER by Liquids or Gases Under Conditions of Intermittent OF IMPLIED WARRANTIES Contact where glove material is exposed to the test chemical intermittently All implied warranties which may arise by implication of law or application of course of dealing or usage of trade, � Degradation testing at four time intervals including, but not limited to, implied warranties of � EN 374 ratings for permeation breakthrough time merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose, are � Toxicity and risk information for over 300 chemicals expressly excluded. There are no warranties which extend beyond the description on the face hereof. The end user is � NFPA health, flammability and reactivity for over 300 solely responsible for the suitability of the glove selection chemicals for a particular application. � International Agency for Research on Cancer status for each chemical FORCE MAJEURE � American Conference of Governmental Industrial Best shall not be liable for delay in or failure to perform any Hygienists "Skin-Notation" chemicals are noted of its obligations if the delay or failure results directly or � Environmental Protection Agency's "Extremely indirectly by Force Majeure. "Force Majeure," as used Hazardous Chemicals" are noted herein means any law, order, regulations, or government action; failure or delay of transportation; suspension or � Pictures of each glove with complete information on cancellation of any required license(s); insurrection, riots, ordering and uses national emergencies, war, acts of public enemies, strikes � Search the Website by chemical name or CAS number or other labor difficulties; inability to obtain necessary � E-mail technical questions to Best Technical Services or labor, manufacturing facilities, materials or components contact your Best representative in your national or from Best's usual sources; fires, floods or other international area catastrophes; acts of God or any cause of like or kind beyond our control. � Print out chemical resistant table to your printer for each chemical � Linked to CUSTOMIZED CHEMRESTTM TESTING Under certain conditions, we can use our state-of-the- industry permeation testing equipment to analyze the particular chemical or chemical mixture from which you're seeking protection to help you determine which Some testing procedures are subject to a modest service fee. Quotations offered upon request.
Goodyear Rubber Products