Introducing SHIELD
The underground conveyor belt compound that meets
government flammability standards to enhance miner safety.
The most valuable resource to come out of the mine… is the one that goes
in every day. In order to improve miner safety and meet new flammability
requirements, we have developed a compound that’s virtually halogen-free.
The result? A belt compound that not only extinguishes flames quickly, but
also gives off less-toxic gas and smoke.
Why SHIELD? Why Now?
New MSHA B.E.L.T. (Belt Evaluation Laboratory Test) standards became
effective on December 31, 2008.
How Does it Work?
SHIELD is virtually halogen-free. That means it’s virtually free of fluorine,
chlorine and bromine, which are common elements in flame-resistant belts.
When heated, they generate thick, irritating toxic smoke.
And because SHIELD is made from rubber instead of PVC or neoprene, it
can be easily vulcanized into current specifications.
Approved by MSHA as meeting part 14 (B.E.L.T.) requirement for
flame resistance in coal mines
SHIELD virtually eliminates the use of halogenated materials like
chlorine and bromine, both of which can generate thick, toxic smoke.
Maintains the same abrasion resistance and adhesions as conventional
flame-resistant compounds.
SHIELD is available on our full-line of fabric-reinforced underground
belts, including Coal Quest
and Glide
Can be vulcanized into existing 2G (ARMA/ARMAII) compounds.
Exceeds flame-resistance requirement and provides peace of mind
with higher safety standards.
Use only genuine Goodyear Engineered Products splice materials for all of your vulcanized splices.
SHIELD compound splice materials have also been certified to MSHA’s part 14 requirements and are required for underground use.
Available on Coal Quest
and Glide
Plus conveyor belts.
Helping to keep miners safe.