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Parker Hannifn Corporation
Parker Brass Products Division
Otsego, Michigan
Catalog 3501E
or fow restriction due to Hose collapse, twisting of the Hose, proximity to hot objects or heat
2.9 Environment:
Care must be taken to insure that the Hose and Fittings are either compatible with
or protected from the environment (that is, surrounding conditions) to which they are exposed.
Environmental conditions including but not limited to ultraviolet radiation, sunlight, heat, ozone,
moisture, water, salt water, chemicals, and air pollutants can cause degradation and premature
2.10 Mechanical Loads:
External forces can signifcantly reduce Hose life or cause failure. Mechani-
cal loads which must be considered include excessive fexing, twist, kinking, tensile or side loads,
bend radius, and vibration. Use of swivel type Fittings or adapters may be required to insure no
twist is put into the Hose. Unusual applications may require special testing prior to Hose selec-
2.11 Physical Damage:
Care must be taken to protect Hose from wear, snagging, kinking, bending
smaller that minimum bend radius, and cutting, any of which can cause premature Hose failure.
Any Hose that has been kinked or bent to a radius smaller than the minimum bend radius, and
any Hose that has been cut or is cracked or is otherwise damaged, should be removed and
2.12 Proper End Fitting:
See instructions 3.2 through 3.5. These recommendations may be sub-
stantiated by testing to industry standards such as SAE J517 for hydraulic applications, or MIL-
A-5070, AS1339, or AS3517 for Hoses from Parker’s Stratofex Products Division for aerospace
2.13 Length:
When establishing a proper Hose length, motion absorption, Hose length changes due
to pressure, and Hose and machine tolerances and movement must be considered.
2.14 Specifcations and Standards:
When selecting Hose and Fittings, government, industry, and
Parker specifcations and recommendations must be reviewed and followed as applicable.
2.15 Hose Cleanliness:
Hose components may vary in cleanliness levels. Care must be taken to
insure that the Hose Assembly selected has an adequate level of cleanliness for the application.
2.16 Fire Resistant Fluids:
Some fre resistant fuids that are to be conveyed by Hose require use of
the same type of Hose as used with petroleum base fuids. Some such fuids require a special
Hose, while a few fuids will not work with any Hose at all. See instructions 2.5 and 1.5. The
wrong Hose may fail after a very short service. In addition, all liquids but pure water may burn
fercely under certain conditions, and even pure water leakage may be hazardous.
2.17 Radiant Heat:
Hose can be heated to destruction without contact by such nearby items as hot
manifolds or molten metal. The same heat source may then initiate a fre. This can occur despite
the presence of cool air around the Hose.
2.18 Welding or Brazing:
When using a torch or arc-welder in close proximity to hydraulic lines, the
hydraulic lines should be removed or shielded with appropriate fre resistant materials. Flame
or weld spatter could burn through the Hose and possibly ignite escaping fuid resulting in a
catastrophic failure. Heating of plated parts, including Hose Fittings and adapters, above 450°F
(232°C) such as during welding, brazing, or soldering may emit deadly gases.
2.19 Atomic Radiation:
Atomic radiation affects all materials used in Hose assemblies. Since the
long-term effects may be unknown, do not expose Hose assemblies to atomic radiation.
2.20 Aerospace Applications:
The only Hose and Fittings that may be used for in fight aerospace
applications are tHose available from Parker’s Stratofex Products Division. Do not use any other
Hose or Fittings for in fight applications. Do not use any Hose or Fittings from Parker’s Stratofex
Products Division with any other Hose or Fittings, unless expressly approved in writing by the
engineering manager or chief engineer of Stratofex Products Division and verifed by the user’s
own testing and inspection to aerospace industry standards.
2.21 Unlocking Couplings:
Ball locking couplings or other couplings with disconnect sleeves can un-
intentionally disconnect if they are dragged over obstructions or if the sleeve is bumped or moved
enough to cause disconnect. Threaded couplings should be considered where there is a potential
for accidential uncoupling.
3.1 Component Inspection:
Prior to assembly, a careful examination of the Hose and Fittings
must be performed. All components must be checked for correct style, size, catalog number,
and length. The Hose must be examined for cleanliness, obstructions, blisters, cover looseness,
kinks, cracks, cuts or any other visible defects. Inspect the Fitting and sealing surfaces for burrs,
nicks, corrosion or other imperfections. Do NOT use any component that displays any signs of
3.2 Hose and Fitting Assembly:
Do not assemble a Parker Fitting on a Parker Hose that is not spe-
cifcally listed by Parker for that Fitting, unless authorized in writing by the engineering manager
or chief engineer of the appropriate Parker division. Do not assemble a Parker Fitting on another
manufacturers Hose or a Parker Hose on another manufacturers Fitting unless (i) the engineering
manager or chief engineer of the appropriate Parker division approves the Assembly in writing or
that combination is expressly approved in the appropriate Parker literature for the specifc Parker
product, and (ii) the user verifes the Assembly and the application through analysis and testing.
For Parker Hose that does not specify a Parker Fitting, the user is solely responsible for the selec-
tion of the proper Fitting and Hose Assembly procedures. See instruction 1.4.
The Parker published instructions must be followed for assembling the Fittings on the Hose.
These instructions are provided in the Parker Fitting catalog for the specifc Parker Fitting being
used, or by calling 1-800-CPARKER, or at
3.3 Related Accessories:
Do not crimp or swage any Parker Hose or Fitting with anything but the
listed swage or crimp machine and dies in accordance with Parker published instructions. Do not
crimp or swage another manufacturers Fitting with a Parker crimp or swage die unless authorized
in writing by the engineering manager of chief engineer of the appropriate Parker division.
3.4 Parts:
Do not use any Parker Fitting part (including but not limited to socket, shell, nipple, or
insert) except with the correct Parker mating parts, in accordance with Parker published instruc-
tions, unless authorized in writing by the engineering manager or chief engineer of the appropriate
Parker division.
3.5 Reusable/Permanent:
Do not reuse any feld attachable (reusable) Hose Fitting that has blown
or pulled off a Hose. Do not reuse a Parker permanent Hose Fitting (crimped or swaged) or any
part thereof. Complete Hose Assemblies may only be reused after proper inspection under sec-
tion 4.0. Do not assemble Fittings to any previously used hydraulic Hose that was in service, for
use in a fuid power application.
3.6 Pre-Installation Inspection:
Prior to installation, a careful examination of the Hose Assembly
must be performed. Inspect the Hose Assembly for any damage or defects. Do NOT use any
Hose Assembly that displays any signs of nonconformance.
3.7 Minimum Bend Radius:
Installation of a Hose at less than the minimum listed bend radius may
signifcantly reduce the Hose life. Particular attention must be given to preclude sharp bending at
the Hose to Fitting juncture. Any bending during installation at less than the minimum bend radius
must be avoided. If any Hose is kinked during installation, the Hose must be discarded.
3.8 Twist Angle and Orientation:
Hose Assembly installation must be such that relative motion of
machine components does not produce twisting.
3.9 Securement:
In many applications, it may be necessary to restrain, protect, or guide the Hose to
protect it from damage by unnecessary fexing, pressure surges, and contact with other mechani-
cal components. Care must be taken to insure such restraints do not introduce additional stress
or wear points.
3.10 Proper Connection of Ports:
Proper physical installation of the Hose Assembly requires a cor-
rectly installed port connection insuring that no twist or torque is transferred to the Hose when the
Fittings are being tightened or otherwise during use.
3.11 External Damage:
Proper installation is not complete without insuring that tensile loads, side
loads, kinking, fattening, potential abrasion, thread damage, or damage to sealing surfaces are
corrected or eliminated. See instruction 2.10.
3.12 System Checkout:
All air entrapment must be eliminated and the system pressurized to the
maximum system pressure (at or below the Hose maximum working pressure) and checked for
proper function and freedom from leaks. Personnel must stay out of potential hazardous areas
while testing and using.
3.13 Routing:
The Hose Assembly should be routed in such a manner so if a failure does occur, the
escaping media will not cause personal injury or property damage. In addition, if fuid media
comes in contact with hot surfaces, open fame, or sparks, a fre or explosion may occur. See
section 2.4.
Even with proper selection and installation, Hose life may be signifcantly reduced without a con-
tinuing maintenance program. The severity of the application, risk potential from a possible Hose
failure, and experience with any Hose failures in the application or in similar applications should
determine the frequency of the inspection and the replacement for the Products so that Products
are replaced before any failure occurs. A maintenance program must be established and followed
by the user and, at minimum, must include instructions 4.2 through 4.7.
4.2 Visual Inspection Hose/Fitting:
Any of the following conditions require immediate shut down
and replacement of the Hose Assembly:
• Fitting slippage on Hose,
• Damaged, cracked, cut or abraded cover (any reinforcement exposed);
• Hard, stiff, heat cracked, or charred Hose;
• Cracked, damaged, or badly corroded Fittings;
• Leaks at Fitting or in Hose;
• Kinked, crushed, fattened or twisted Hose; and
• Blistered, soft, degraded, or loose cover.
4.3 Visual Inspection All Other:
The following items must be tightened, repaired, corrected or
replaced as required:
• Leaking port conditions;
• Excess dirt buildup;
• Worn clamps, guards or shields; and
• System fuid level, fuid type, and any air entrapment.
4.4 Functional Test:
Operate the system at maximum operating pressure and check for possible
malfunctions and leaks. Personnel must avoid potential hazardous areas while testing and using
the system. See section 2.2.
4.5 Replacement Intervals:
Hose assemblies and elastomeric seals used on Hose Fittings and
adapters will eventually age, harden, wear and deteriorate under thermal cycling and compres-
sion set. Hose Assemblies and elastomeric seals should be inspected and replaced at specifc
replacement intervals, based on previous service life, government or industry recommendations,
or when failures could result in unacceptable downtime, damage, or injury risk. See section 1.2.
4.6 Hose Inspection and Failure:
Hydraulic power is accomplished by utilizing high-pressure fuids
to transfer energy and do work. Hoses, Fittings, and Hose Assemblies all contribute to this by
transmitting fuids at high pressures. Fluids under pressure can be dangerous and potentially
lethal and, therefore, extreme caution must be exercised when working with fuids under pressure
and handling the Hoses transporting the fuids. From time to time, Hose Assemblies will fail if they
are not replaced at proper time intervals. Usually these failures are the result of some form of
misapplication, abuse, wear, or failure to perform proper maintenance. When Hoses fail, generally
the high-pressure fuids inside escape in a stream which may or may not be visible to the user.
Under no circumstances should the user attempt to locate the leak by “feeling” with their hands
or any other part of their body. High-pressure fuids can and will penetrate the skin and cause
severe tissue damage and possibly loss of limb. Even seemingly minor hydraulic fuid injection
injuries must be treated immediately by a physician with knowledge of the tissue damaging
properties of hydraulic fuid.
If a Hose failure occurs, immediately shut down the equipment and leave the area until pressure
has been completely released from the Hose Assembly. Simply shutting down the hydraulic
pump may or may not eliminate the pressure in the Hose Assembly. Many times check valves,
etc., are employed in a system and can cause pressure to remain in a Hose Assembly even when
pumps or equipment are not operating. Tiny holes in the Hose, commonly known as pinholes,
can eject small, dangerously powerful but hard to see streams of hydraulic fuid. It may take
several minutes or even hours for the pressure to be relieved so that the Hose Assembly may be
examined safely.
Once the pressure has been reduced to zero, the Hose Assembly may be taken off the equipment
and examined. It must always be replaced if a failure has occurred. Never attempt to patch or
repair a Hose Assembly that has failed. Consult the nearest Parker distributor or the appropriate
Parker division for Hose Assembly replacement information.
Never touch or examine a failed Hose Assembly unless it is obvious that the Hose no longer
contains fuid under pressure. The high-pressure fuid is extremely dangerous and can cause
serious and potentially fatal injury.
4.7 Elastomeric seals:
Elastomeric seals will eventually age, harden, wear and deteriorate under
thermal cycling and compression set. Elastomeric seals should be inspected and replaced.
4.8 Refrigerant gases:
Special care should be taken when working with refrigeration systems. Sud-
den escape of refrigerant gases can cause blindness if the escaping gases contact the eye and
can cause freezing or other severe injuries if it contacts any other portion of the body.
4.9 Compressed natural gas (CNG):
Parker CNG Hose Assemblies should be tested after installa-
tion and before use, and at least on a monthly basis per AGA 1-93 Section 4.2 “Visual Inspection
Hose/Fitting”. The recommended procedure is to pressurize the Hose and check for leaks and to
visually inspect the Hose for damage.
Caution: Matches, candles, open fame or other sources of ignition shall not be used for Hose
inspection. Leak check solutions should be rinsed off after use.