design services
offers both Basic and Extended Services...
Contact your Anvil representative for more information.
Anvil Design Services produces fabrication
drawings of mechanical room piping 2
and larger including chillers, heat
exchangers, boilers, and pumps from
contractor supplied fow diagrams,
mechanical drawings, and approved
submittals and specifcations.
The drawings include a Bill of Materials
with tags referencing the components in
the mechanical room. The piping is color
coded by service and is represented in 3-D
with plan, isometric, and elevation views.
Initially, Anvil personnel meet with you to determine your
piping preferences. The project scope and fee is agreed upon
in a Design Services contract.
The plans and specifcations are then interpreted in terms of
economy, accuracy, and compliance. We may suggest
modifcations in arrangement, construction, equipment
location, or product to attain the desired results. Piping
layouts are carefully analyzed to determine whether further
economies can be attained in the piping system.
Piping drawings are then prepared to determine the most
effcient pipe routing, taking equipment location and any
interferences into consideration. Preliminary prints are sent to
you for revision or approval.
Upon approval, (4) sets of drawings with tags and Bills of
Materials of the included system components are sent to you.
Copies of the electronic data fle of the project drawings are
available at no extra charge. This brochure is an example of the
fnished product.
With Basic Services, you can plan the mechanical room. The
preliminary drawings can be taken to coordination meetings
with other trades to “reserve” space by “getting in” frst. Also,
your feld supervisor can spend more time supervising and not
calculating pipe lengths and pipe routing. The components can
be grouped from the fnished drawings for better workfow
We usually reduce ftting counts by 10%-15% by moving
equipment whenever possible, usually less than a foot. The
more movement that is allowed, the more savings can be
Extended Services include any scope beyond Basic Services.
There are many different types of services offered as extended:
• BOM by component (pump, chiller) or by system
• Unique Tagging – adding unique tags to individual components
• Air Handling Units – with associated ductwork
• Single Line Routing – non-dimensional
• Distribution Piping
• Dimensioned Floor Penetrations
• AWWA Piping - Total Scope
• Commercial Piping
• Oil Field Piping
• Retroft Projects - Field Survey
• Hybrid Systems
• Anything Else
Contact your Anvil representative for more information.