Steps in Hose Assembly
Contaminated hose may reduce the service life of
hydraulic systems. Always clean the hose bore after
cutting, using air and/or flush with a compatible fluid.
In certain situations, skiving may be required. Skiving
is the process of removing the portion of hose cover
that lies directly under the coupling ferrule. This allows
the metal fitting to be coupled directly on the hose
reinforcement. Skiving is further discussed in the
following section under the subtopic of “Internal and
External Skiving.”
The 2-piece crimped fitting consists of a ferrule and a
stem insert. It is essential that the fitting be mated with a
compatible hose style. Check fitting compatibility in hose
or fitting product tables. Screw and/or push ferrule onto
the hose until hose bottoms into the ferrule.
Push the stem insert into the hose ID Shoulder of
the stem should make contact with ferrule. It is
sometimes difficult to insert the stem into hydraulic
hose. If necessary, it is recommended using a liquid
soap or a water/soap solution as a lubricant. Use the
lubricant sparingly. When installing elbow fittings, point
elbow towards curvature of the hose, unless specified
otherwise. When installing elbow fittings on both ends,
see the previous subtopic on “Measuring the
Offset Angle.”
Before crimping hose fitting, verify the tooling setup
and install the proper die set. Read the Crimp Chart, per
Continental ContiTech recommendations, and dial in the
correct crimp diameter.
Push ferrule onto hose.
Push stem into hose ID.
Insert hose assembly into crimper die set.
Always verify proper die set.
Install the proper die set..
Set crimp diameter.
Place hose and fitting into the crimp machine. Refer to
the Continental ContiTech Crimp Specifications Manual
for proper crimp diameters and the crimper operator’s
manual for further instructions on how to properly and
safely operate the crimper.
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